This message is a reminder for all ODDS providers regarding following safety, sanitization, and personal protective equipment (PPE) requirements and guidelines.

All provider staff and personal support workers must follow appropriate safety, sanitization guidelines, and wear PPE.

The toolkit, “Supporting Individuals in a Licensed or Certified Community Setting During COVID-19: A Tool Kit for Residential Settings and Residential Care Providers” is online. There is also a free online training on infection control from Oregon Care Partners for adult foster homes and group home providers. Detailed information for 24-hour residential and foster home providers is also in the ODDS Reopening Worker Guide. The CDC also has specific guidance and tools for group home providers and staff.

Information for personal support workers on accessing PPE is in transmittal APD-IM-20-041. Specific guidance for workers providing any in-home personal care is online.

Finally, ODDS, ODHS and OHA has a flyer on How to Protect Yourself and Residents from COVID-19 and also a general flyer called How to Protect Yourself and Others from COVID-19.

Thank you for all you do to ensure health and safety, including following sanitization and PPE protocols.


Lilia Teninty


Office of Developmental Disabilities Services